With things improving figures wise on the pandemic it may be too late for any return to playing for our grade in the pyramid of the SFA for this season  . Leagues who have been given permission are finding it difficult to come to a solution to finish the leagues . They have been allowed back to play as long as they do testing once a week and this being a costly exercise it is no wonder clubs are reluctant to return with no chance of recovering financial outlay . or indeed finish their respective leagues should an outbreak happen at a club (ie Dunfermline Ath ) . it is just not cost effective for clubs to even test once a week at our level or even above our level . A government revue of the situation will take place in the week beginning the 14th of March .If the go ahead is given to get back to training and then playing  ,personally I think this will be too late for any chance of a full season being completed . There are contingency plans to play 50% of fixtures or if possible 75% of fixtures which will take a rejig of remaining fixtures . We will update when any news is available .

We have decided to restart the Keydraw as it was suspended back at the very beginning of the lockdown with a jackpot of £1300 . This will be the starting jackpot as we relaunch it on line starting the Easter Weekend 4th April. Standing order forms can be collected at the Argyle Court shops between 1pm and 2pm each Saturday and Sunday prior to the relaunch or we can get a form to you if you message the committee or club .  Cash sales of the Keydraw can be purchased in advance if you so wish paid on a monthly (minimum) advance process . by contacting the committee to be entered in the draw  .

We are having regular zoom meetings to engage with supporter’s young and old who wish to participate .If you would like to be involved in our next zoom get together let us know and when numbers allow we will set up times and dates . This is open to all our supporter’s and sponsors who would like a catch up with management there to help let you know where we are at the moment regarding the club and players .

We hope everybody and your families are staying safe and we will get through this together . Keep safe and we will see you all soon.