Lockdown update

The league has given until the 6th of April , when the Scottish government will make a an updated statement on restrictions, a board meeting will be held there after to digest the contents of the update  .The 17th of May is earmarked as it stands for contact training for adults to return . This would probably not be enough time to complete the season with players needing realistically three weeks contact training to be ready to play matches after such a long lay off to avoid injuries  . It is hoped this date can be brought forward by a month with dependency on the data at the time . This will give time to fulfil half the fixtures in the leagues allowing the league to be called and a champion and relegation issues sanctioned as per clubs vote to play at least half a season fixtures .It will all depend on the restrictions being eased to allow this .  The start of next season will be as early as possible .Discussions regarding the early July being a possibility . Again this would be dependent on restrictions in place with there not being a great appetite to start a season again without some supporter’s being allowed to enter our grounds . It is all if’s and but’s which will be a lot clearer early April . In the meantime stay safe and we hope to see you all soon . Thanks for continuing to support our fundraisers during this pandemic it is much appreciated to every single one of you during this difficult time


We will be having a race night by way of facebook on Saturday the 3rd of April . These have been very popular and good fun for all involved and they have raised much needed funds for the club . Horses can be bought from committee and details how to pay when you let us know the name of your horse and how many you would like to buy . Horses can be bought for £5 each  with every purchase entering a raffle . (prize to be announced )  Horse owners who’s horse wins the race will receive a £20 prize  .