The club and all associates wish to send their condolences to the family and friends of former committee member and first aider John Kerr who sadly passed away on Sunday evening . R.I.P. John
Day: 30 March 2021
There is still time for you to buy horse’s for the race night on Saturday the 3rd of April .Each horse costs £5 with a £20 prize to the winning owner of each race .As well as buying your horse , for each horse bought you will get a free raffle ticket with a bottle of Grouse included in the prizes donated by John O’Donnell , we appreciate this donation ..Horse can be bought by contacting Jim Provan with your name and horse names and you do a bank transfer details which will be given to you on application . Then sit back on Saturday night from 7pm and log on to Jim Provan’s facebook and watch the races live or on catch up as they will be recorded . BACK THE BURN
With the Lowland League declaring the league over and naming Kelty Hearts as their champion that leaves the East of Scotland,South of Scotland and Highland league left to declare . The South have a meeting on Thursday and are likely to null and void . The Highland league will have to make a decision soon with next to no games having been played this season so far . The East of Scotland said a few weeks ago that we will wait to see what government says at the beginning of next week regarding the contact training return to playing which is currently scheduled for the 17th of May which would give little or no chance of finishing the 50% of league games to call the league under playing conditions. If the government were to bring forward that date considerably the chances of finishing half the season is a possibility it is frustrating we know but we hope we can declare the league by playing and not by arithmetic .We await the statement next week where there after one way or another a board meeting will be held to digest the statement .