As from Sunday the 18th may the Keydraw will be live on Broxburn Athletic’s Facebook (please note change of Facebook page ) at 5pm . This week’s jackpot will be £300 with 21 keys to pick from . Each week we are looking for supporter’s to make the weekly draw if you wish to make the draw , please contact the committee and put your name forward .
Day: 16 April 2021

With clubs having voted to null and void the season with the return to playing protocol being too costly as testing would be mandatory if and when after contact training was allowed after the 17th of May time was not on the league’s side to complete even 50% of games . We at Broxburn Athletic would like to thank everyone for their efforts this season . Thanks to everybody who has continued to support the club during these difficult times . The support has been overwhelming . The Friends of Broxburn have continued to donate their monthly contributions through out the pandemic and these funds will continue to help us build for season 2021/2022 . When we suspended the Keydraw many of you donated their ticket money on a monthly basis again we thank you .We have restarted the Keydraw and the take up of Standing order’s again has been tremendous and we thank everyone of you for this . We have had numerous virtual race nights and every race night was well supported and we hope you all enjoyed these evenings of entertainment which also raised funds for the club. All our sponsors have continued to support us and we hope they continue to in the future we are very much appreciative as we know the difficulties business’s have been going through during these unprecedented times . All the volunteers who have helped us with maintenance work at the park . Our online shop has been doing a great trade with many club souvenirs available and we have interest from all over the world for our merchandise . The player’s and staff have played their part realising there was no real income and they forfeited their wages a gesture much appreciated by the club and committee . I would like to thank the committee who have worked behind the scenes keeping spirits and the club on the front foot when we did get some game time . At the start of last season supporter’s continued to buy season tickets for season 2020/2021 , with a hope that they could use them to watch some football at the Albyn Park . Unfortunately this never materialised and the club are happy to refund those who so wish a full unconditional refund on this purchase . At the same time there is no appetite to start season 2021/2022 without spectators and the club will issue a new season ticket free of charge to those who bought a season ticket for the last season 2020/2021 which we are confident that some spectators will be able to return to our level of the game . Contact committee for arrangements . The season is earmarked for a start date on the 17th of July but as stated before this will most likely only be if supporter’s are allowed . There will be strict protocols for allowing spectators back and these will be published in due course once we are given the go ahead .
We have started resigning players and also new players will be announced in the very near future as we build for next season . The restrictions being lifted is now allowing us to get the majority of the players together for non contact training until the 17th of May and the players are delighted at being able to get out and together which does wonders for everybody’s well being . We hope you all stay safe and I am sure we will all be together soon .