This week’s keydraw was won by Bobo Forrest c/o The Badgers , he won £50 as Lewis who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s Jackpot will be £550 with 16 keys left to pick from and will be live on our face book page . The next draw will take place on Tuesday the 1st of November at earlier time of 5.30pm due to the team playing at Haddington that night . We thank Lewis for his time and help with the draw .
Day: 29 October 2022

With the squad more or less settled we would like to thank
over the next week or so to all of you who have sponsored the players and club for the season and indeed the past season’s .
Former treasurer and Programme editor Dick Anderson sponsors all three kits for Andrew Gillen for which we are much appreciated for his continued support .