We have sent Auchinleck Talbot a message of thanks and gratitude on behalf of the club and James’s family to their medical staff and team physio who treated James Black who took a tumble on the terracing near the end of yesterdays game . Update on James is he spent overnight in St John’s after being dropped off there by the team bus .He has now been transferred to the Royal Infirmary to have an operation on a broken hip . We wish James a speedy recovery .
Day: 5 February 2023
This weeks keydraw was won by Kenny Tully from Broxburn who collected £50 as Stephen Stuart who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will have a jackpot of £1250 and only two keys left to pick from to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will be on Tuesday 7th of February at 7.30pm live on our facebook page . We thank Stephen for his help .

David Greenhill has decided to leave the club and departs amicably . David has been a good servant to the club in the few years he has graced the Albyn Park and we appreciate every effort he has put in both on and off the park . We wish him well in his future and will always be welcomed back at the club .