Broxburn Athletic are holding a ladies night on Friday December the 8th starting at 7.30pm . Entertainment will be provided by Billy Merideth.Tickets priced at £10 are selling fast and be had from committee members

Broxburn Athletic are holding a ladies night on Friday December the 8th starting at 7.30pm . Entertainment will be provided by Billy Merideth.Tickets priced at £10 are selling fast and be had from committee members
Broxburn Athletic’s man of the match award against Kinnoul went to Marky Munro who is seen pictured receiving his gift from John Veitch who’s hospitality group picked him . Marky id sponsored by Jordan Refrigeration and his second and third kits are sponsored by Mark and Mary Doran , well done Marky keep up the good work .
This week’s keydraw was won by Jim Ward who collected £50 as Greg Page who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will have a jackpot of £350 with 20 keys left to pick from to open the jackpot box . The next draw will be on Tuesday the 21st of November at 7.30pm. We thank Greg for helping with the draw this week