The keydraw winners this week were Angie & David Forrest who collected £50 as Lewis Turner who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will have a jackpot of £350 and 20 keys left to pick from to open the jackpot box . The next draw will be on Tuesday the 7th of May at 7-30pm live on our Facebook page . We thank Lewis for his help with the draw .
Author: Broxburn
It is with great pleasure that we can now celebrate the winning of the East of Scotland Premier league . This gives us the opportunity to go into the play offs with the South Champions and West Champions to win a place in the Lowland league (if clubs are licensed) . This should be clear within the next week and we will publish dates of when these will take place . We thank everyone for your support that has helped push the guys on to this achievement . The players have pushed on at every opportunity and deserve full praise for their efforts . The management team deserve the plaudits for guiding the players in the right direction getting the best out of every single player in the squad . To all our volunteer’s a big thank you for all the hard work put in and have now been rewarded for their efforts . All our sponsor’s we thank you for your contribution without we would not be able to challenge for the rewards we have earned . All supporter’s we thank you and hope we can push on and gain promotion lets cheer the boys on through our last two games and then the play off’s “BACK THE BURN “
Saturday’s man of The Match was awarded to Bob Watt , picked by Stuart McLean who is seen here presenting him with his award after some fine saves keeping us in the game at vital times . Gordon Bow Plant Hire ltd sponsor’s all of Bob’s three kits .
Ross Cunningham won the jackpot in this week’s keydraw after only two weeks of this run since the last jackpot was won with Stephen Stuart picking the right key to open the jackpot box . Ross picks up £400 in total . Next week’s draw on Tuesday the 30th of May at 7.30pm live on our Facebook page will have a jackpot of £300 with 21 keys to pick from . We thank Stephen for his help with the draw .
Man Of the Match at Dundonald was Lewis Turner who is seen here being presented with his reward by George Bevridge . Lewis is sponsored by Jack Rutherford , Jack McLaren and Kirkhill True Blues . Keep up the good work Lewis .
Frank Donachie’s funeral will be Tuesday the 23rd of April with a Funeral mass at 10am at St Johns Cantius & Nicholas church Broxburn . Thereafter to Loaninghill cemetry followed by light refreshments at the Canon Hoban Hall All Welcome
The Man Of The Match against Dunbar United was picked by Alan Davidson and he opted for Errol Douglas out of a full team of Stars . Errol is sponsored by Joe Chapman , Tee Bay’s Sunday Soul Show and Gianinnous . Errol is seen here being presented with his reward by Alan Davidson
After last week’s jackpot win it was Peter Duffy who won the keydraw this week collecting £50 as Darren Pegg who made the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . That means next week’s draw will have a jackpot of £350 with 20 keys left to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will be on Monday the 22nd of April at 7pm as we have a match in the league cup on the Tuesday . We thank Darren for his help with the draw
A great success was Sunday’s Testimonial dinner for Ross Nimmo at the Almondvale Suite at Livy Stadium . Al were roundly entertained by Dick Campbell and Eric Davidson whom we thank very much for being a part of the afternoon . Ross thanks everyone for turning up and sharing is day . Ross was overwhelmed by the response and we were delighted to reward him with this recognition for his untainted service to the club . Looking forward to many more season’s at the club .