This week’s Keydraw was won by Kathrin Orr who collected £50 as the correct key to open the jackpot box  was not picked . Next week’s Jackpot will be £550 with 16 keys to pick from to open the jackpot box .  The next draw will be on Tuesday the 25th February live on our facebook page at 7.30pm .


The Xmas keydraw was won by John O’Donnell who collected £50 as Mr Davidson who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s Jackpot will be £550 with 16 keys left to pick from to open the jackpot box  . Next week’s draw will be live on our Facebook page on Monday the 30th December 2024 at 7pm . We thank you all for your participation and hope you have a merry Xmas  >


The Keydraw was won by Hazel Meek who collected £50 as Craig McArthur who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s jackpot will be £900 with 9 keys to pick from . The next draw will be on Tuesday the 12th of November live on our Facebook page at 7.30pm . We thank Craig for helping with the draw .


This week’s Keydraw was won by Tam Woods who collected £50 as John O’Donnell who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s jackpot will be £800 with 11 keys to pick from to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will be on Tuesday the 29th October  live on our Facebook page at 7.30pm . We thank John for his time helping with the draw .


The Keydraw was won by Fred Nicol who collected £50 as Marky who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . The next draw on Tuesday the 22nd of October will have a jackpot of £750 and 12 keys left to pick from to open the jackpot box . Next weeks draw will be live on our Facebook page at 7.30pm . We thank Marky for his help with the draw .


This week’s Keydraw was won by Allen Gold who collects £50 as Carolyn who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s Jackpot will be £650 and 14 keys to pick from . The next draw will be live on our facebook page on Tuesday the 8th of October at 7.30pm . We thank Carolyn for her time helping with the draw .


This weeks keydraw winner was J. Penman who collects £50 as Andy who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s jackpot will be £600 with 15 keys to pick from to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will be on Monday  the 30th of September live on our facebook page . We thank Andy for his help with the draw .


The Keydraw was won by Karina Proudfoot who collected £50 as James Pegg who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box .Next week’s Jackpot will be £550 with 16 keys to pick from to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will be on Monday 23rd September live on our  facebook page at 7.30pm. We thank James for his help with the draw .


This week’s keydraw  was won by Elizabeth Cunningham who collected £50 as Scott Thomson failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s jackpot will be £500 and 17 keys to pick from to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will be on Tuesday 17th September at 7.30pm live on our facebook page . We thank Scott for his time helping with the draw


This week’s keydraw was won by  Ian Morrison from Uphall Station who collected £50 as Alec Steven who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s keydraw will have a jackpot of £450 with 18 keys to pick from . Next week’s draw will be on Tuesday the 10th of September at 7.30pm on our facebook page . We thank Alec for his help with the draw this week