This week’s keydraw winner was David Cunningham who collected £50 as Lewis Turner who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s jackpot will now be £400 with 19 keys to pick from to open the keydraw box . Next week’s draw will be on Monday the 2nd of September live on our facebook page at 7pm due to us having a league game against Boness United on the Tuesday kicking off at 7.45pm . We thank Lewis for his help with the draw .


This week’s keydraw was won by Heather McCormick who collected £50 as Kelly who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will have a jackpot of £350 with 20 keys to pick from to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will be on Tuesday the 27th August live on our facebook page at 7.30pm. We thank Kelly for her help with the draw .


This week’s Keydraw was won by Ian Steven who won the jackpot of £500 giving him a total of £550 . Next week’s keydraw will have a jackpot of £300 with 21 keys to pick from . We will have next week’s draw on Monday the 19th of August at 7pm live on our Facebook page as we have a game at home to Galafairydean Rovers in the league on the Tuesday with a 7.45pm kick off . We thank Willie Wood for his help with the draw .


This week’s winner of the keydraw was Jim Ward who collected £50 as James Pegg who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’ draw on Tuesday the 13th of August will have a jackpot of £500 with 17 keys left to pick from to open the jackpot box . The draw will be live on our facebook page at 7.30pm . We thank James for his help with the draw .


This week’s Keydraw was won by John Rafferty SNR who collected £50 as Kerry who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the padlock for the jackpot . Next week’s draw will have a jackpot of £450 with 18 keys to pick from . Next week’s draw will be live on our Facebook page on Monday  5th of August at 7pm . We thank Kerry for her help with the draw .


This week’s Keydraw was won by Lynne Dutton who collected £50  as Brian Hunter who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw on Monday the 29th of July will have a jackpot of  £400 with 19 keys to pick from to open the jackpot box and will be live on our facebook page at 7pm . We thank Brian for his help with the draw .


This week’s keydraw was won by John Cunningham c/o The Badgers  John picked up £50 as Kieron Moyles who helped with the draw  failed to pick the key to open the Jackpot box . Next week’s draw will have a jackpot of £350 with 20 keys to pick from to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will be on Tuesday the 24th of July at 7.30pm live on our facebook page . We thank Kieron for helping with the draw .


The weekly keydraw was won by Gary Noone who collected £50 as the correct key was not drawn to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will have a jackpot of £750 with 12 keys to pick from . The next draw will be on Tuesday the 2nd of July at 7.30pm live on our facebook page . We thank Paul Rafferty for his help with the draw .


This week’s keydraw was won by Pamela McMillan who collected £50 as Steven Anderson who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw on Tuesday the 28th May  will have a jackpot of £450 with 18 keys to pick from to open the jackpot box and will be drawn live on our facebook page at 7.30pm


The keydraw winners this week were Angie & David Forrest who collected £50 as Lewis Turner who helped with the draw failed to pick the correct key to open the jackpot box . Next week’s draw will have a jackpot of £350 and 20 keys left to pick from to open the jackpot box . The next draw will be on Tuesday the 7th of May at 7-30pm live on our Facebook page . We thank Lewis for his help with the draw .